Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mr. Coburn says... " Thanks "

Welcome back students! How was your holiday? Again I want to say thank you for an exciting birthday party, your many well-wishes and greeting card, and your gifts. You may my day! tuesday evening my Grandson who is turning six came over to celebrate with his mother (My daughter). My wife made chicken pot pie. Yesterday the rest of the family arrived. I hung out the American flag for Veterans' day and we talked and laughed together all evening. Carolyn, my wife fired pork chops and baked a chocolate cake. We opened my gifts, books and gift to Barnes and Noble bookstore. We ended the evening playing a game with the grandkids and then sent everyone off with hugs and kisses. It was a wonderful time and made a bank of memories.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are a grandfather! Congratulations on having a wonderful family.
