Thursday, October 8, 2009

How would you apply these goals to your personal relationships ?

- Form a more perfect union.
- Insure domestic tranquility.
- Provide for the common defense.
- Promote the general welfare (well-being).
- Secure the blessings.

Supervise people is not an easy labor, it requires concentration and dedication because any case is individual and the main reason is because any person have different points and they should be managed cautiously. In my experience, dialogue is an excellent vehicle to accomplish the union of a crew. Always you must expect to provide assistence to any element of the crew. Keeping a secure place provides trust and for consecuence it can implement their performance. Usually a worker who enjoys his activities seldom argue with coworkers. Don't mix personal problems with job is essential to avoid confrontations. In general following rules will provide succes. Finally in my opinion armony provides our welfare.
God bless my job...
It's my source to survive...

1 comment:

  1. It's not easy to do everything,but you have to try~ fighting! my friend~~~
