Thursday, September 10, 2009

Natural Disaster

Fire, Sand, Air and Water are the four elements that can give life or devastation. During years science has studied natural disasters and their behavior but sometimes science and technology can't predict how destructive they can be. Human must respect natural disasters' power, because in seconds they can be lethal and fatalities will be regreted. On September 8 of 1900, a powerful hurricane made landfall in Galveston, Texas, nobody couldn't imagine what would come. Winds of 135 miles per hour would bring around to 8,000 fatalities. It is considerated the biggest natural disaster in The United States history. Katrina the most recent event that left a stigma in The United States. 1,800 were killed, it is nothing compared with the disaster of Galveston. It is referred by Galveston locals as The Great Storm or The 1900 Storm. A lot of natural disasters have occurred in the world, so it is reason to reflect and never challenge nature, it is a source of life, but also can exterminate us...

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