Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reality or Myth...?

Is The American dream a reality or a myth?
For years people have been coming from any country of the world to The United States, and only one reason brings them. What is it...?
Someone once asked me: Would you like to sweep up dollars?
Obviously my answer was yes, how would I do it ?, I asked. For a moment I tought this guy was crazy. Then he told me just to walk north, and that on the other side of the border I would find a lot of money easily, but he never mentioned the cost of this. My friend heard this conversation and tought it was an excellent opportunity. I had little money saved, and he had nothing, even so we decided to do it. The next morning we boarded a bus and after 32 hours we reached the border. We ate there and bought water, after that we hired a "Coyote", he told us it would be easy to cross the desert, he lied to us. Crossing the desert is like putting a gun to your head with one bullet, temperatures there are deadly. I carried in my backpack some candy, beef jerky, paper and a pencil. We walked for 12 hours and the heat was terrible, we only carried 3 gallons of water, these were finished after 6 hours. The thirst was killing me and I started to hallucinate, I felt that the end was near. I asked them to give me a few minutes to write this letter and they agreed to it. If you are reading this letter, you will understand that these were my last words, and that means that my friend survived. I died, and never knew if The American Dream was reality or myth. What is your experience?
Was it true what that man told me?
Could you sweep up dollars?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Natural Disaster

Fire, Sand, Air and Water are the four elements that can give life or devastation. During years science has studied natural disasters and their behavior but sometimes science and technology can't predict how destructive they can be. Human must respect natural disasters' power, because in seconds they can be lethal and fatalities will be regreted. On September 8 of 1900, a powerful hurricane made landfall in Galveston, Texas, nobody couldn't imagine what would come. Winds of 135 miles per hour would bring around to 8,000 fatalities. It is considerated the biggest natural disaster in The United States history. Katrina the most recent event that left a stigma in The United States. 1,800 were killed, it is nothing compared with the disaster of Galveston. It is referred by Galveston locals as The Great Storm or The 1900 Storm. A lot of natural disasters have occurred in the world, so it is reason to reflect and never challenge nature, it is a source of life, but also can exterminate us...